Psychomancy Master / 神通通灵师 July 19, 2015 15:46

Master Charlie is a 4th Generation Teochew born in Singapore in year 1964. Receiving English education since young and has never ever learn anything on Spiritual, Fengshui or Geomancy ! At the age of 40 one night, he received Blessings from Cundi Guanyin and began to chant Sutra & Mantra in Sanskrit ! Not only that, he also possess a mysterious flow of Qi in his body which enables him to display Psychomancy powers to help people in need, be it Fengshui, Geomancy or even Spiritual. With Blessings from Goddess of Mercy, Master Charlie also uses Traditional Chinese herbs to cure those with Arthritis, Mild Stroke, Arteries Blockage or being pressed etc... recovering well !

With hundreds of followers in China after helping, saving & blessings them, Master Charlie set up a private 'Fo Tang' in Guangxi Nanning and later in Beijing expanding the 'Cunti Fa Men'. Having numerous years of experienced in displaying his Psychomancy powers with Miracle results, Master Charlie is now back home in Singapore !

查理师父是第四代的潮州华裔生长在新加坡于1964年!从小受英文教育,从未学过或接触过灵异,风水命理之学!在四十岁那年,有幸在一个晚上,得到準提佛母 (十八臂观音菩萨) 的加持和传承,得予顿悟并授予神通及通灵术。从此能念出从未学过的一口流利梵文经咒!而且,还有一股神秘的气流在他身上,随时都能打出气功!在2008年,查理师父正好在广西投资经商并机缘巧合以神通和通灵之术运用在风水命理及灵异之事,帮了许多人甚至有些事还得到奇迹效果!最神奇的还有那些千里之外的求助者,只要給师父名字,八字和照片,都能得到师父隔空展示的神通而得到有效的圆满加持 ! 更为奇妙的是,查理师父还能给人把脉并施予药粉药丸医治好很多风湿关节病,坐骨神经痛,压迫神经线,颈椎病和轻微瘫痪等病人!

查理师父在中国经商期间,设了私人佛堂在广西南宁,后在北京,带领众弟子一起供修念经,发扬准提法门虔诚修行 !累积了多年的难得宝贵经验,查理师父在2015年回国,并希望能大力推广这神奇的神通与通灵之术。